FUE Review of a Patient at NHI with Photos- Click See Up Close Hair Line Results

FUE review at New Hair Institute
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This patient is not going bald. He may be classified as a Norwood 2 or as having a mature hair line. He had the surgery because he did not like his raised corner hair line. He wanted a lower, relatively straight juvenile hair line (he once had). He was old enough (over 30 years old) where chances of him losing more hair or shock hair loss was minimal. He understood this is a cosmetic procedure and was made aware he may need more than one surgery to achieve the density he was looking for.
He chose the FUE method of graft harvesting since he wanted the flexibility to keep his hair buzzed or kept short.
The total number of grafts he received was 1600 grafts. He had two separate FUE procedures of 800 grafts with each surgery spaced out about 1 year apart. The final result you see is after 2 years. If you click on the photos for a close up ZOOM you can see that the density achieved was close to normal (non-balding) hair density. The reason he needed TWO (2) separate surgeries was because you cannot fit 1600 grafts in such a tight space. Each graft can be about the size of a rice grain. After the hairs have grown out, you can fit another graft in between the spaces.
He occasionally attends our monthly Open House events if anyone would like to meet him in person.
Very nice result, but he hardly had any hair loss to begin with, so very lucky for him. I could be wrong, but he does look as if he is of Latin American decent, and I know a lot of people from that ethnic group and they never seem to bald. Same goes for Native Americans, they hardly seem to bald compared to other ethnic groups.
Great results, but how many years passed between the “Before” and “After” photos? He looks a lot younger in the first picture (I thought it was a different guy until I look really closely).
Looks like this guy wasn’t balding in the first place? Also its always good to know of graft numbers etc
It’s nice to see mature nw2/possibly nw3 type hairlines fixed to be juvenile nw1 again. There’s not many examples out there which is what I’d want doing. Doesn’t look like this would be many grafts as its just the corners and a bit of the central line lowering?
Nice Post!