Male Eyebrow Transplants (with Photos)
Hello Doctors
I am a 39 year old man and had a problem with my eyebrows since I was probably in my 20s. My eyebrows aren’t very thick. I never plucked them and do not know why they appear thin around the edges or when it exactly happened ,but I wanted to talk to you about what a transplant looks like in that area for men. My hair is otherwise great on the scalp and I have a strong hairline. Have you done any man eyebrow transplants? Thanks
Here’s a male patient we haven’t shown before, with some beautiful eyebrow transplant results. I placed 189 grafts into his eyebrows with almost all single hair grafts taken from the scalp using follicular unit extraction (FUE).
In general, eyebrows are difficult to get control of the direction of the hair as it exits the skin, but these results turned out great! The after photo was taken about 7 months following his hair transplant.
Before photo on left // After photo on right. Click to enlarge.

Great work!
Who is the Doctor who did this eyebrow transplant? I am interested in the procedure– beautiful job!