Matthew McConaughey’s Hair
I read somewhere that the actor Matthew McConaughey restored his hairline with “regenix”. What is that? His hair looks great and a lot fuller than a few years ago. I also read that you did a hair transplant for him. I know you can’t tell, but if you did, congratulations on an excellent job.
Funny you asked about Matthew McConaughey. I saw his new movie this weekend, Failure to Launch.
I must thank you for the compliment, but I cannot take the credit for his hairline. I do not personally know Mr. McConaughey, nor do I know if he had a hair transplant, and nor do I know if he uses “Regenix” (though I did see him mention it on the Letterman show). That being said, even if I did work on him, I could never divulge such confidential information. I did, however, pay particular attention to his hairline (which seemed very natural) in the movie, while my girlfriend was probably paying attention to his body. Your guess is as good as mine with respect to a hair transplant. A good hair transplant should not be detectable. I could have made that hairline, but alas, no I did not. You might ask: could this be a good hair system, a mesh or some wig attachment? The answer is absolutely a yes to that question as well, although you did not ask it.
I am well aware Mr. McConaughey has been a popular topic in such hair forums, hair related websites, and even this blog. If he is reading this and if his hairline is just a great hair piece, I would like to meet him (professionally of course), as would my girlfriend and my entire office staff who are fans (non-professionally I am sure)!
The questions never seem to end when it concerns hair and the famous men in our society. Many of our readers may be jealous and the high interest reflects the many questions that we keep getting. I’ve previously posted about Matthew McConaughey here and here.
I would be cautious about believing anything you hear celebrities say about how they achieve their appearance. On Oprah Winfrey’s show she asked him how his teeth were so white and he said it was because he brushed them a lot. I’m willing to bet some of my most important body parts that he whitens his teeth with bleach like almost all celebrities do. I brush my teeth a lot and my teeth aren’t blinding like his. If Regenix really worked for him then it grew hair in areas where he was completely bald, and i’m not sure any current product can do that. Save your money on regenix. Its sad that so many people throw away their money on those who take advantage of desperate bald people, but i guess its ultimately our own fault. It’s also sad that celebrities would lead people astray and give people false hope in order to make themselves look better.
I agree with the above post. If the Regenix stuff worked we would have heard about it before McConaughey made it famous. There is no way it regrew hair on areas of his head where he was completely bald. I’ve looked at pictures of him before his miracle hair restoration and parts of his head were totally bald. And now he has hair again. He either had a transplant or wears some type of hair piece. Sure he may have use the Regenix stuff at some point so he may not be lying. But to say that it is responsible for his hair restoration is misleading to others. He is probably getting some type of financial endorsement for saying he used their product. Wouldn’t it be nice it did work that well…..