My Doctor Said My Hair is Fine, But I Want You to Judge It
Hey Doc,
I’ve been concerned about my hair for nearly two years now. I’m 21, nearly 22.
I went to my GP who said there wasn’t a problem with my hair, and that I didn’t need to go to a dermatologist. However, I’m still a bit iffy about it. I (think) I have a natural parting down the middle of my head. You be the judge. But either way, am concerned about miniaturisation and recession.
Based on those pictures (taken a couple of months ago), can you see if there is anything I should be concerned about with my hair? Hairline and crown/top of hair.
Feel free to post pics if this gets posted. Thanks.

I just chose a few photos to post out of the 35 or so you sent in the link, but I appreciate you allowing us to publish them.
I think you should listen to your doctor. Based on photos alone, your hair seems fine. I’m not seeing any cause for concern, and your hair looks great. We can let all the readers judge as well. Click the photos to enlarge.
i see a little thinning at the middle, but am not sure.
This guy doesn’t even look like he has a mature hairline. It looks like the hair of a pre-teen. I would seriously stop worrying if I were him.
Wow, I would kill for a head of hair like that. It looks very thick to me. If you are at all concerned, the best way would be to look for more hairs than usual on your pillow in the morning. That will help you judge if you are starting to shed. Also, if hairloss runs in your family, keep an eye on it and consider propecia in the future.
1) I see no thinning in the middle or anywhere, and see a full head of hair
2) Don’t start looking at your pillow. Everyone sheds hair daily and the fact that you’ve been concerned for 2 years (with a full head of hair)is a setup for excessive worrying
3) Do not start Propecia unless you have evidence of miniaturization, regardless of whether there is a history of balding in your family. Every drug has side effects and taking Propecia without any evidence that you need to greatly alters the risk-benefit profile (to me)
Yup, looks like a full head of hair to me! Try not to stress out too much, there’s many things in life to worry about!
Hair looks amazing ! I can’t see any evidence at all of balding ! Please listen to your Dr. I wonder though are you having some other sort of stress in your life? It seems funny to suddenly experience anxiety about your hair when it looks perfectly fine?
your hair looks amazing. Don’t worry. thick and beautiful.
I could hand Dr. Rassman a cheque for $50,000 and I still couldn’t have hair as good as that – it’s not physically possible…I say stop visiting this site and go out and enjoy your life!
Relax and enjoy what looks to be closer to a juvenile hair line. Be aware that you may see some recession at the corners over the years but this could still be simply a maturing hairline and won’t be real balding. Other than that I’d say you have the hair 99% of men on this blog would pay a vast fortune to have. Enjoy it!
I can understand why he got concerned. I had a similar experience because my hairline has a similar shape (kind of a v-shape). I’ve never had a perfectly squared, juvenile hairline and my hairline has always been a little unusual (at least to me) compared to most guys I know. I went to a doctor who told me the same thing (don’t worry about it).
Your hair looks great! I have the same prob as you where I think that I am balding simply because I have fine hair. Listen to me…YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! Stop worrying and live your life. You have very nice hair!
This must be a joke. Balding? Come on man.