It’s been getting worse and worse over the past few months. Under certain light i can already see my scalp there Did the hairs that were there fall or are they just extremely thinner? I want to get on Minoxidil asap but im really afraid that the initial brutal shed people talk so much about, destroys my frontal hair line even more… Now i get why they tell you to get on something asap…
The erosion of a thumb-print section of hair loss from the frontal hairline suggests early frontal balding may be starting. The best approach is to find a doctor who can do a HAIRCHECK ( ) test on you to see if there is balding anywhere on your head. You need a Master Plan for what may happen to you and a good doctor should work with you to form such a plan if your hair loss is worse at any time than you realize. Yo should recognize the importance of your problem, address it professionally so that you keep your hair on your head as you get older no matter what happens to your potential balding.