The average head has up to 20% of the hairs miniaturized in the donor area and even in a non-balding man; however, in the balding area, I would expect to see a lot more miniaturization in the process of your losing your hair. Please send me microscopic views of your hair mapped against your head as shown here:
In some people who reported initial sexual side effects, these effects went away in a few months. In others, it did not. If it persists, you should consider stopping it because there is a theory that in some of those people those who maintain long term side effects, they may get permanent sexual side effects.
BTW, you are very ignorant about PFS. There are many cases of men who developed side effects and stopped the drug immediately, but they have not reversed years later. You haven’t even read the basic literature yet you so confidently opine on subjects of which you have no idea. You claim you have never seen it in the clinic (untrue) but then you haven’t even read about it. It’s a shame.
Merck’s clinical trials showed the same. Patients dropped out of the study immediately due to side effects and they had not still not reversed by the time they completed the study with remaining patients.
I will respond to you one last time. Since I have written over 10,000 prescriptions for finasteride on men of all ages, I can call on my experience (more than your first-hand experience I suspect). I also looked at another 10 or so doctors with the same prescription writing experience which translates into over 100,000 prescriptions for finasteride since it was introduced. All of these doctors stopped the drug on their patients when the patient complained about Sexual Side effects and that is why we, as a group, can state that we haven’t seen PFS in our patient population. THAT IS A VALID OBSERVATION. My one case does not qualify in this scenario as he developed sexual side effects in less time than it took to get PEAK blood levels for finasteride (2 hours after taking the pill) which tells me that it was psychological at that moment in time. Since this man continued taking the drug for more than one year after he was told to stop it AND HAD SEXUAL SIDE EFFECTS REPORTED THAT ENTIRE YEAR, BUT REFUSED TO STOP THE DRUG, then of course he may have induced PFS but there is no real way to tell as he was not trustworthy with regard to his own story. I have been respectful to you and expect the same from you in your writing. I have not only read extensively about PFS, but sat on panels and participated in meetings where PFS was discussed making me a bit of an expert with EXPERIENCE. I have never heard nor seen any report where a man had taken ONE dose and developed PFS, you can prove me wrong here if you have any facts to back up your claim but being dropped from a study does not relate to a SINGE DOSE response for inducing PFS. I am open to seeing your documentation.
I can’t comment on Merck. If the evidence shows that Merck hide results about long-term sexual side effects, I would be outraged as you are. Back in 2012, PFS was only just being discussed in the hair transplant community which at the time didn’t necessarily believe that it was real (I would have to check my notes on this date) but I believe at that time there was less public discussion about PFS as a syndrome, just patients complaining about persistent sexual side effects after stopping the drug, something I didn’t hear from my patients at the time. All of my patients, even back in 2012, were given a written release form which they executed with regard to the use of finasteride. All of the known side effects were not only discussed one-on-one between the patients and I when I wrote the prescription, but the document that they signed listed all of the known side effects coming out of the Merck brochures and the literature which I read. When PFS became a known entity, it was added to the informed consent document that each patient had to sign and I always included it in my consultations (I often took an hour with each new patient at no charge). I now believe that PFS is a real syndrome and any person who gets a finasteride prescription from me is made aware of this risk.
Look at this post:
Dutasteride has never gone through the FDA trials in young men who wish to use it for hair loss, so without clinical studies it is all anecdotal. As dutasteride is both a type 1 and type 2 blocker and a more effective DHT blocker on the competitive inhibition side, I would suspect that the sexual side effects as well as the risk of PFS would be equal to or more than finasteride. Just a guess.
Will the use of avodart can damage the making of a child? Can it cause misdevelopment if the semen has traces of dutasteride? I have not found anything on this subject online, except women should not use it themselfs.
Best not to be on the drug when you are trying to get your wife pregnant
If my sperm count is reduced, does it go back to normal if you stop the drug to have a child?
If you have a fertility problem related to your sperm count from finasteride, you can expect that it might take months to return to normal. In the following publication:, the authors state: “A patient on finasteride (1 mg) for 1 year, diagnosed with oligospermia (impaired spermatogenesis) 5 years earlier, was found to have increased semen volume immediately after cessation of finasteride and his sperm concentration improved to more than 10 × 106/ml about 4 months later.” You should read more of this publication.
On these sending DNA Sites you can see what your likelihood is of going bald. Is there a specific gene that causes this?
The genes (many genes) have not been fully identified. the company 23 & me is not reliable for predicting hair loss because even if you have the genes, these genes may not express themselves.
I am a 21 year old male. I grew my hair out for two years. 2 months ago, I buzzed my head. I noticed I hd significantly less hair. While I had long hair, I would pull my hair out from time to time due to knots etc. It’s been two months, and my hair is longer, but the total quantity of hair is still less than pre-long hair. Any possible causes/how can I help my hair grow back? No noteworthy baldness in the family or anything.
Hair length is clearly better for a fuller look when your hair density is low because you need the length of hair to produce hair bulk.
When you cut a proscar pill into 4 pieces does it lose it’s effectiveness ? Where do you store the 3 other pieces ? I heard that oxygene lower the potency of the drug
NO, but you should only cut one pill at a time and use it within the week, keeping it dry in a pill bottle because you don’t want it to take up water from the air around the pill.
Considering getting a H.T to fill in the front corners of my hairline better. This isn’t a question of if I should get it I just want some info on the healing side of things.
Say I get a H.T in late December, I’ll have enough vacation time to go away until February and not see anyone from my real life during that time. Once I am back in February, will I be able to wear a hat freely? Will the transplant be obvious if I am not wearing a hat or will it just look like it did before the transplant?
Right now very few would see me as losing hair but I’ve lost enough in the corners to make it difficult to style it the way I like and would like to have a true nw1 I am just concerned with others noticing I had something done. Thanks
Keep your hair long so that the recipient area can be covered with the hair you have. Make sure that the doctor teaches you to wash your hair so that you are not crusty like this: bur rather like this: because you should be able to go out in public within a day or two.
I only read the medical literature and there is no mention of any association between penis growth and finasteride. It is safe with regard to penis growth
Do you think that drinking alcohol could be a factor (if not significant factor) in male hair loss? I am a senior at a major east coast university that is known for its student body’s tendency to drink alcohol. I started to make an observation that a lot of the people that I know that have drank heavily for the past couple of years (they are now approx. age 21-23) have some degree of noticeable hair loss compared to the people who were more moderate with their drinking. I myself used to drink fairly heavily for about a year in college and ever since I slowed down I have noticed that my hair has begun to grow back thicker (perhaps because lowered my alcohol consumption) although the hair I have lost has not grown back yet, if at all Another example of this would be if you were to take a look at any major “party” fraternity at XYZ College. Of course course the older brothers are going to look more aged/mature than their younger counterparts, however in my experience I started to notice that the a decent amount of the older brothers in the major “party” frats at my school definitely show a greater degree of hair loss than some of the other same aged males at my school who were not known to go out and drink every weekend.
If alcohol can be a significant factor in hair loss at a young age is it possible that it served as a catalyst to speed up the balding process since these people may have been genetically disposed to experience hair loss at some point in their lives?
Drinking alcohol doesn’t cause hair loss but stress does and many people with genetic hair loss who drink are stressed.
Hairtransplant for front hairline (1cm-1.5cm but dense across) with a hairystem in the back. It will be absolutely undectable in theory.. i dont mind wearing a hairsystem forever lmao so the future doesnt bother me. I am vain when it comes to myself and i love keeping hair on my scalp.
As for future girlfriends or partners.. if they dont like a man wearing a hairsystem they can leave lol. The one thats for me will be able to see past this.
Ofc for anyone wondering, this is for my own confidence ans how i want to feel when i look in the mirror. Hairloss isnt just hairfall for me, its an identity loss thar occurs way faster than normal agind does on someones skin :(. Self confidence is more important that anything else, and 50% of my confidence is rooted in the way i feel qhwn i look in the mirror.
So does anyone have any experience or stories they want to share about the idea of a hairsystem and hairtransplamt combo
I have performed some frontal hair transplants in men that wore a hair system behind it so that the hair system wasn’t detectable. It reduces the overall cost of the initial hair transplant but maintains the cost of the hair system which is not low
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