Hey. I am a 20 years old guy and I am loosing my hair on my temples since I am 16. Right now there is the point where if I don’t go on medications I won’t ever do it because then my hair is too fucked up and it is already pretty bad. My urologist told me to not go on fin, he said it is not worth it and I should not fuck up my hormones. But lately hair loss is making me very depressed. How rare are the side effects to occur? And I don’t mean just ED. I mean brain fog and penile shrinking and stuff like that. It seems to be soo fucking retarded to repress DHT, a Hormone that is 5 times as strong as Testesterone. I mean if I hop an fin I would also hop on min, keto and dermarolling. Just to get a bit of regrowth. The thing is I already shaved my head bald 3 times and I instantly regretted it because people are me as an alien… what do u think ?
of the 113 patients followed for 10 years, only 14% worsened, whereas the remaining (86%) had benefits (21%)
from the treatment duration or (65%) persisted in their improvements. Patients not improved at all
after one year (i.e., with a significant decreasing in their hair growth) could be considered not respondent to a long-term therapy.
Side effects were observed on 5.9% (7) patients, but these effects were not age related (12–14). Some
of the patients who experienced side effects did not drop out of the treatment because of perceived
good results.
I am in my late 20s and have been balding since 22. I started taking finasteride over a year ago, and while it reversed the balding a little bid (about 20% hair grew back in the bald spot), it’s been stuck at this level for a while. I am trying to figure out how many FUE grafts I will need if I am going to do a hair transplant surgery to cover this up, and whether I can get this done under $10k in the US/California. If not, I am debating making a trip to Turkey for a cheaper all inclusive surgery. I didn’t include a picture of the front, because my hair somehow hasn’t receded in the front.
Thanks in advance
You need a Master Plan to determine not only what you need now, but what is likely to happen to you in the near or long term future as hair loss is a progressive process. As you are in your late 20s, I could transplant the crown (depending upon your hair being fine, medium or coarse) the range of grafts would be between 1800-3000 (more for fine hair.
This man had too many grafts removed from his donor area leaving him with a see-through donor area that clearly stands out with this hair length. He will have to either grow his hair long, or fill it in with Scalp Micropigmentation. This could have been avoided with careful planning, understanding the original donor density and limiting the number of FUE grafts harvested. Trading a bald frontal area for a balding donor area is not a good deal
It takes courage to embark upon microneedling. This process should be repeated weekly until there are results and then I believe you can pull back. Adding minoxidil to it before and after the microneedling and rubbing it in, might increase the value and accelerate the benefits. With a man I recently helped doing it, I applied Xylocaine gel 40 minutes before the process started to reduce the pain.
I have a good amount of hair, but I noticed my temples receded just a little bit. I’d consider myself maybe a NW 1.5. I went to a dermatologist last Friday and he agreed that my temples had receded and offered Finasteride. I agreed. Now that I have the medication in front of me, I’m having second thoughts. Am I really losing my hair or no? I wish I had a magic way of knowing if I am going to go bald or if my hair will never recede past this point. I’m afraid if I take Fin, it will create a problem. Like if I stop taking it, I will go bald. Even though I may not have if I never took it in the first place. My dad’s side of the family all have hair. My mom’s side is iffy. Grandfather on my mom’s side had hair before he passed. My grandmother on my mom’s side has some bald/balding brothers. My uncle on my mom’s side has hair but it has receded. Last few days people have been telling me “you don’t need fin, you have nice thick hair”. So I’m just conflicted on what to do.
Before committing a lifetime on finasteride, get a HAIRCHECK test ( https://baldingblog.com/haircheck-test-how-it-is-done-video/ ) to get a metric on your balding process. You must know where you are starting and where you are going on the treatment plan.
I want to bleach my hair blonde for a party but i wonder if this will cause any permanent damage? I use fin/min/nizoral and derma once a week. Could this cause anything permanent?
If you want to bleach your hair, make sure that you get an expert to do it. I have seen too many people do it on their own and get a permanent burn to the hair follicles and develop localized balding from it.
So I can currently see some of my scalp and gave receding hairline at the temples. Is it too early to try transplantation? I’m thinking Rogaine alone should be enough to get more volume in the scalp but it only seems like it will buy time until you need surgery I also heard that you can still do FUE transplants after FUT, but can’t do FUT once an FUE has been done
If your pattern is clear and you have a doctor who can build a Master Plan for your balding future, 25 is a minimum age to do a hair transplant as long as you know what is going to happen to you. A good doctor will help you with that process. Here is a good example of what you don’t want to happen: https://baldingblog.com/had-a-hair-transplant-at-21-now-at-22-he-has-more-hair-loss/
I got the surgery done, 2500 grafts, at a top US surgeon 2.5 months ago. So far hair has grown in around the edges, but not in the majority of the center. I’ve been on fin for 4 months. Is this considered normal? I didn’t do ACell/PRP.
You need to wait this out. You will see growth start around 3-5 months and be at styling length by the 8th month. The ACell and PRP has not significant value anyway for hair growth from a hair transplant
So I’ve been on fin for about 5 months and have noticed I’ve been having on and off episodes of ED for the past few weeks, some days my dick works normally, and other days I have a hard time getting it up. Do dick pills like viagra or cialis help with the ED? I’ll only take it on a just in case basis.
This article demonstrates that finasteride has more of a beneficial effect on the thickness and length of hair growth than on the number of new hairs
I feel like the opposite of the known side effects have happened to me. I’ve been on fin for 70ish days now. Got some minor temple regrowth, so I think its working. No sides except now I’m more horny than usual and can jerk it at least 2x a day when before fin I was usually a 5x a week kinda guy. Anyone experience similar? I can only find online info on decreased libido.
Yes, some people (one of my son’s is on finasteride) had a prolonged increase in his sex drive.
I’ve been on finasteride 8 months. Hair is great. Freaked out about sides for the first few months but eventually calmed down and stopped visiting this forum. My sex drive is fine; however, I do have what seems like it could be the start of gyno behind one nipple. Its either that or just a swelling of tissue there (i mess with them a lot and could have squeezed too hard once). Its sometimes has a dull pain when i press on it, but the nipple isn’t sensitive.
See a doctor for an examination as that will identify and hopefully solve the problem.