You can have a hair cut within 2 weeks of your FUE
I am naturally a Norwood 3-temple recession and minor crown recession as well.
Had a 1200 graft hair transplant last year on my temples, and slightly slowered the hairline. The doc did not put enough grafts in, so I am getting a 2nd HT Nov 20 for an additional 300-500 grafts to fill it in, free of charge (there was sooo much drama surrounding this, see my post history for more info).
My crown was not operated on during my last HT, but since I am already going under the knife, I would really like my crown filled in as well. I’m not sure how to rate my crown loss-I guess a Norwood 2- in that my crown clearly has loss, but it is not unbearable. Sort of like how Norwood 2 on the hairline is noticeable, but a lot of people can still get away with it.
Both my doc and another doc in the office looked at my crown. They both advised against getting grafts on my crown. One of the docs said he never operates on the crown on people under 40 (I am 30) because of potential future loss. They also said I do have significant hair on the crown still (albeit miniaturized) and putting new grafts in could shock loss out these already fragile hairs. Essentially, they are saying that while I clearly have crown loss, it is not bad enough to merit a hair transplant for it.
I was very disappointed these docs advised against operating on the crown. My arguments for getting a crown are, if they do grafts on it and I do have future loss, I am prepared to get a 3rd HT. I am currently taking Dut and using Rogaine on this area, so not sure if I would even have more loss.
The docs recommended SMP as an option for the crown. I actually visited an SMP guy Thursday. It just seems like so much maintenance. The tattoo only lasts 4-6 years, have to put sunscreen on it everyday. Nervous it would look unnatural. So don’t want to do SMP.
Toppik works VERY WELL on the area, but again, it is still a lot of maintenance. And I would rather have the permanent option of a HT. I’m kind of confused as well. I’m sure if I consulted other doctors, or went to Turkey, I could find a reasonable # of doctors who would work on the crown. Not sure why both these docs are advising against it.
My questions are:
-Should I insist my doc operate on my crown?
-Has anyone here had any experience with doctors advising not to get grafts on the crown?
-Would you side with the doctors or me in this situation?
-Any advice on how to deal with crown loss? Toppik works very well, but Id rather have the permanence of a HT.
Transplanting the crown is something that I have been doing for 29 years with no problems. Clearly the issue is skill of the doctor, experience, and proper indications for doing it (never too early if it responds to minoxidil for example). I have had my crown transplanted and it looks great!
I am considering getting a HT but one things that bother me a lot is the scarring in the back of head. I wear my hair very short now (buzzed with zero guard) and I would like to have the option to do in the future as well. how bad is the scarring with FUE this days? I read on some HT clinics websites that with their method there is hardly any scarring at all. is there any truth to those statements? thanks in advance for any help
The question about shaving your head after an FUE is partly about the scar, small scars are better and less visible, but it is also about how many grafts you get harvested as too many will cause a see-through donor area. In addition to focusing on the donor area, you have to focus on the recipient area asking yourself: “What density will I achieve after my FUE?”. The answer to that question is that you will almost unlikely get anywhere close to your original density so if you shave your had and don’t take advantage of hair length, then your density may be thinner than you would like to see, especially when compared to another part of your head where you didn’t lose hair (a stark difference).
My hair stopped shedding about 6 months ago. When I’m in the shower now I get maybe 1-3 hairs on my hands between shampooing and conditioning. However, my hair definitely looks thinner at the crown and temples than it did a year ago.
My question is: Even though I’m not shedding, can the miniaturization process still be occurring and causing me to lose hair?
Here are my stats: -48 years old -noticed thinning at crown about 12 years ago
hair is now visibly thin at crown and temples. You can see scalp through the hair.
started shedding just over a year ago when urologist prescribed a testosterone booster and an AI. I quit taking them about 11 months in when I noticed shedding (10-12 hairs when I shampoo’d). I quit the meds and shedding stopped 4-5 months later.
I eat healthy, take a men’s multi vitamin and shampoo with biotin and nizoral.
I haven’t tried finasteride or min yet because I’m scared of the side effects.
Yes, you can experience miniaturization without shedding.
I took finasteride for a year and developed gyno from it. When i noticed the lump in my left chest i stopped taking it. However, what happened was weird. After stopping finasteride for like more than a month, the hard lump in my left chest disappeared but at the same time a hard lump appeared in my right chest. My left nipple is still swollen and big though. But on pressing it i dont feel a lump.
I want to know whether this gyno will go back on its own or if surgery is must. I never had gyno before and i’m 100% sure its from finasteride.
If the lump remains, you should see a doctor. Breast cancer is very rare in men, but it does happen.
Hair transplant surgery tends to accelerate those hairs at the end of their life in advanced stages of miniaturization; however, this can be stopped most of the time when a person takes finasteride
good afternoon Dr. Wrassman, I would like your opinion on the use of HCG to reverse the effects of PFS. This user reports reversal in 6 months after HCG administration: “…After nearly 4 years of suffering, I have finally & fully recovered from Post Finasteride Syndrome
All my symptoms have subsided and improved with this method which takes a while but I am fully functional It’s H.C.G (HCG) dosed at 250IU Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. I did this for 6 months straight but at the 10th week or so, the improvements were weekly. That is 250IU, not a typo… so you’ll mix your 5000iu HCG with 5CC water and take 1/4 CC intramuscular three times a week using an insulin needle…”
Have you heard about it?
I am not aware of the use of Human Growth Hormone in the treatment for Post Finasteride Syndrome. I did a limited search and did not find other such claims. Worth exploring possibly for those people who have not found a cure.
My hair has been thinning out gradually over the past 4-5 years (I am 26 currently), with follicle density and hair thickness both reducing. Recently shaved my head and discovered that I haven’t been thinning as evenly as I thought, I actually have a ton of these tiny patches that are more thin/bald than other parts. You can see my scalp is almost entirely covered in a dotted pattern.
This could be a condition called diffuse alopecia areata or a fungal disease. See a dermatologist who may biopsy one of these patches.
It is difficult to tell but the photos on the left looks a little fuller than the one on the right. This is probably photograph problems rather than real. You should see an expert like me. I offer women with thinning something like this:
It works wonders for women and solves the thinning look.
My question is: What is the future plan for hair graft need? Was all of the donor hair used up? What will the donor area look like (i.e. will it be over-harvested?). These grafts are sticking out which means that it will be visible for quite a while. This doesn’t either look good or feel good to me.
Today my GF cut my hair and well, she tear some hair (without intention) a couple of times.
The thing is that I’m thinking of doing a hair transplant, and because of that I’m trying to take care of my donor area, which is the area where my GF tear riped hair without intention. Taking a look I didn’t see anything wrong, nothing like some white spot or something, however I’m wondering if because of action like that the folicle can be damage in a way that the hair that has been teared doesn’t grow back again.
You can pull out a hair and it will return within 6 months or less but if you keep pulling it out, then eventually it will not return.
Hello I am a 24 year old American male and I shaved my head not too long ago recently. I have noticed that the hair on top of my head is not growing back as fast or as strong as the hair on the sides of my head even though my hairline is okay I seem to have thinner hair than before. What could be the cause of this? I’ve been taking zinc and a multivitamin for a few weeks now but I haven’t noticed a huge difference yet. And I’m thinking about starting finasteride and minoxidil thanks in advance.
You probably shaved off miniaturized hairs that were not growing and these didn’t come back, just an educated guess
This is but no means super important but I´m curious. I´ve read several studies about hair regrowth on finasteride and minoxidil. The amount of regrowth of course differs, but how much regrowth have you seen on your best responding patients? From what I´ve read its common to lose up to 50% hair on the scalp before it comes noticeable, meaning around 50 000 hairs. Do you have any idea if the best regrowth cases that lost around 50% recovers back to around 100 000 hairs? Or are we talking full recovery as in maybe 60 000 hairs on the scalp in total? I am fully aware that 100 000 hairs is not needed to make it look like its a full head of hair.
The studies I´ve read mentions that in 2 years on finasteride around 66% percent get some kind of regrowth, but if I remember correctly there was no graph showing how much hair that could be in the best cases.
Hope you understand my question and I fully understand if you have better things to do than answer it, because I guess it doesnt matter really. I´m just asking out of curiosity.
I have discussed the work of Dr. Marritt in the 1980s where he pulled out every other hair on one side of the head and then found that neither photos or an expert could tell which side was hair depleted in a black haired white skin individual. I have done a HAIRCHECK on a patient who had partly reversed their hair loss after finasteride so that part of that question I know. Most people just sustain their hair at the baseline levels, but some do reverse it.
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