I know what’s the difference between two cases? DHT miniaturised and non-DHT miniaturesed? What else causes miniaturisation except DHT? If the miniaturization is DHT dependent, then it occurs in the hairs of the scalp that are susceptible to DHT from genetic causes (i.e. Norwood Class 7 pattern patients). I have believed that the juvenile hairline […]
70 search results for: apoptosis
Finasteride doesn’t impact the change from a juvenile to a mature hairline because those hairs in the juvenile hairline have a limited number of cycles and are destined to die off (apoptosis). The only way to get your juvenile hairline back is to get a hair transplant to put it back.
Can you explain more in detail the actual mechanism of MPB? I know that some hair follicles are sensitive to DHT and somehow the DHT causes miniaturization, but how does this actually work? Also, any wisdom on why some hairs develop later in life even where there were no (or not visible?) follicles. Like pubic […]
Dr. Rassman’s Comments: There is some good reading here for those interested in finasteride and the many finding of things that go wrong with this drug. One of the referenced article reflect a single case study and show DNA damage to sperm. From any single case study, one can’t conclude that the finding is attributed […]
I was starving myself for a year+ barely eating and it ruined my hair it’s a lot better then it was a few years ago but it never recovered fully I have seen that particularly in those men with genetic balding, starvation pushes the Apoptosis of hair follicles.
If I use the dermaroller and minoxidil without finasteride and get my hair back, will it stick around after I stop the treatment? Everything you use to keep your hair (minoxidil and dermarolling) must be continued to keep it. The same is true for finasteride. The hair that is brought back, still has its genetic […]
I know DHT shrinks hairs on male pattern baldness but Does DHT destroy the follicle? And does alopecia areata destroy the follicle or just cause hair to fall out? Hair that has genetic balding eventually die. It is called Apoptosis of the hair follicles and it is genetically coded to the number of hair cycles […]
Does this “tug of war” refer to the idea that your body responds to fin by increasing 5AR enzymes and therefore DHT in response to finasteride? Or does this refer to the idea that even if you inhibit 70% DHT with fin, or 90% with dut, it simply may not be enough to stop genetic […]
I’ve been on minoxidil for about 7 months now and it doesn’t seem to be helping. Is retrograde alopecia not androgenic? I always just thought it was a weird pattern of genetic hair loss but some people on this thread are saying there can be causes… is that true? What kind of causes? I think […]
Everyone is different. For hair transplants, sometimes the crown grows slower than the front, sometimes it is the other way. For drugs like finasteride or minoxidil, again there is no rule. There is a process called Apoptosis, the death of a hair cell in this case, is genetic and timed by the number of cycles […]
Looking for a genuine answer since I’m just on the fence about taking and so just won’t to fully understand it before I put it in my body. Want to make sure that the alterations it will make to my bodies chemistry won’t be harmful and if it potentially is I’d like to know also […]
It isn’t just an issue of the prostate shrinking. The attached article points out that there is atrophy (tissue wasting) and apoptosis (cell death) in the prostate as well. You can do a quick Google search to see that there are hundreds of thousands of guys who have used Propecia and despite stopping the drug, […]
I don’t get it!!! Doesn’t every strand of hair for men have a genetic life cycle that eventually runs out in some areas?? (Hairline, crown). How can a male have unlimited replenishment of hair? Good question. In every one of us who is balding, the pattern of balding we inherit determines the extent of the […]
Rapid shedding, is this the way hair loss happens?/by William Rassman, M.D./0 /Hair Loss Causes
Did you experience hair shed before going bald? from tressless This is a typical scenario. A situation called Apoptosis occurs when the number of hair cycles reaches a programmed number in your genetic code and hair just dies. When this happens, a rapid shed occurs. Many young men will experience this phenomenon.
The picture on the left shows a high degree of miniaturization (12 miniaturized hairs and 41 normal hairs) with a ratio of 29% miniaturized hairs. The magic number is that miniaturization is present if the number of hairs exceed 20% of the total. The picture on the left shows just that. Miniaturization means that the […]