The hair is a rapidly growing organ, possibly among the fastest of body well (outside the intestine). Cancers are also fast growing so when the cancer is treated with Chemotherapy, the treatment targets fast growing cells. That is why many people who get this get stomach and intestinal side effects. Hair loss occurs in the […]
70 search results for: apoptosis
What if blocking the DHT does’t work? The hair follicles in genetic balding have a limited number of hair cycles to their life span. Let’s say, for example, that the hairs in the leading edge of your mature hairline have 8 hair cycles of life to them and each hair cycle is 3 years, then […]
This was my first post on the juvenile hairline: This defines the juvenile hairline and from my experience, this is more genetic ‘apoptosis’ (hair death) at the juvenile hairline than the hormone interaction with the genes that impact genetic hair loss in general. I have treated many men with finasteride but have not seen […]
Senile alopecia (a very bad name) is what you are talking about. I believe that every hair follicle on the body (scalp, beard and body hair in general) has known life span. When it reaches this, a condition we doctors call Apoptosis (cell death), the hair may very well fade thinner and thinner over time. […]
I don’t know for sure but I suspect that you are correct. We know that females generally do not get the receded mature ‘male hairlines’ that men do. Could this be caused by genes related to our sex alone or is it that two X chromosomes with the high estrogen levels in females protected against […]
I really do not know if finasteride can stop the maturing of a hair line in men. I have never had the opportunity to use it for this purpose, but I would expect that a maturing hair line will evolve even if you are on this drug. The reason I believe this, is that maturing […]
We are clearly more informed today that previous generations have been so today’s young people think that balding should not happen today when in our father’s time, it was just an accepted fact. In reality, Dr. Otar Norwood published his balding patterns in in early 1980s. What he said is that men bald in patterns […]
I rephrased your question in the title of this post. With regard to any association between Masturbation and hair loss, which men would want to give up their sex lives to slow down a hair loss process that is going to happen anyway? We have talked in previous posts that the genetically impacted hairs for […]
The widow’s peak may disappear as one ages. I wrote a paper on this and published it in a medical journal. The area we call a widow’s peak is centrally located and usually its ‘lower point’ touches the highest wrinkle of the furrowed brow. It is never present in very young children, but appears as […]
The mature hairline is present in about 90%+ of men as they mature. I don’t have any experience with stopping the hair loss in the very front of the hairline that is typical of children. At 18, without seeing you, I don’t know where you are in the process; however, I don’t believe that the […]
Staying healthy is always a good idea. You’ll live longer and maybe your hair loss can be delayed a bit or maybe not. Hair ‘apoptosis’ (hair follicle death) is probably programmed in our DNA and genes. If you have the gene for hair loss, it will happen. Drugs, such as Propecia, seem to slow the […]
Your statement is false in that GENETICS is the main cause of male-pattern baldness (MPB) otherwise referred to as genetic balding or androgenic alopecia (AGA) and when you have the balding gene, it is the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that causes the hair loss process when the gene for hair loss is present. There may be […]
The duration of the telogen phase varies in everyone. The cycle can be longer when there is miniaturization present . If a hair dies (apoptosis), it can die within a follicular unit or miniaturize within a follicular unit. The telogen cycle, I believe, is significantly longer than 2 weeks. So, for example, if you have […]
Testosterone (an androgen) is a known cause of hair loss if you carry the hair loss gene (androgenic alopecia). Much of what you lost, if there is no hair in that portion of the scalp, will not grow back. Without examining you I can not tell you where your hair loss is in the hair […]
Genetic balding causes hair follicles to undergo a process called apoptosis (cell death). Hairs grow in cycles that last about 3 years for the average person. In the genetic balding process, somewhere between 7-10 hair cycles, hair death is triggered by the hormone DHT. When you take a DHT blocker (Propecia/finasteride), it prolongs the number […]