Ever since week two post op, I’ve been experiencing a lot of stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, and even panic attacks a few times. All of this is due to family issues, losing my job, and an underlying depression. These stressful issues have resulted in a very inflamed scalp. I’m now 2 months post op. My question is, can any of this, especially the stress/anxiety and inflamed scalp have permanently killed off my grafts?
Please help me. I’m at an all time low. Thank you
No, your hair will grow regardless of the stress you are undergoing.
My doc put me on a one week course of oral prednisolone for sever tinnitus. The dosage is 70 mg per day for 7 days, but the side are scary.
Although long term use can cause hair loss in men with the genes for hair loss, a short burst should not.
This is a beautiful skin closure, but it has a problem in that the hairs inside of these sutures are being strangulated and will probably die. This will then leave a scar the width of the suture line. What we do is (1) either use surgical stables which go far back from the wound and never strangle the hairs or (2) put very fine sutures (5-0 absorbable) within 1mm or less of the edge so that we make sure that the hairs are not in the suture pull. That minimizes the scar even further.
Basically it’s all in my head and I’m really struggling with it. I’ve been on 0.5mg of Finasteride for about 7 months, I have my ups and downs but it’s worked wonders for my hair.
When I started I couldn’t get a hard on during sex, id wake up with morning wood so I know it’s not a physical issue but a mental one. that led me to stop taking fin for about 10 days.
I hopped back on, and I had a great mentality I just took it on got on with my day no sexual problems at all. But then I started to overthink things and my brain got the better off me, now I’m back to square one, I wake up with morning wood, and I even get hard during sex but it can never stay because it’s constantly on my mind during sex I can’t think of anything else apart from if I’m not going to be able to get it up.
Is this anxiety? And has anyone suffered from this?
It’s getting to the point where I’m thinking of coming off Finasteride, but I really like what it’s done for my hair. Any advice would be great.
It sounds like your physiology is working well; however, psychologically, you can talk yourself into anything. I always tell my patients that if I told then that if they breathed the air in my office and I told them that they would be impotent that night, they would be. Young men are easily influenced by much of what is published on these forums and it can be significant enough that they may not be candidates for finasteride.
I have an aloevera plant and it known with its health benefits. I started cutting a small piece of it and rubbing its extract to my face and scalp. I wonder is there any research about effects of aloevera on man pattern balding ? I searched on google schoolar but cant realy find what i am looking for
Aloevera does not work for hair loss. I wish it did.
I’ve been looking into FIN and MIN but the amount of hair left on my head suggests that both of those might not work. I’ve also heard a lot about hair systems but there’s not much information on it on google from what I have searched. Where are you supposed to go for a hair system, barbers? I’m located in the Bay Area and don’t know much about hair systems cause I don’t know anyone who does it or has gotten it before.
Is there anything I can do for this amount of hair left? Seems like there isn’t but I still have hope. Don’t want to completely accept being bald just yet.(pic in comment)
For 19, it looks bad, but hair can be maintained for life with medications and/or hair transplants. You need to be evaluated by an expert who can measure your donor density and then determine a Personalized Master Plan for you. Since you are 19, drugs like finasteride have reversed the balding in some men, but working with a good doctor has no substitute if it is the hair you want to keep. Some men will do Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) which will give you the look of a shaved head for life (see here: https://scalpmicropigmentation.com/ but be selective on the men you look at on our site).
Growing up my hair used to be an a big part of who I was (I had long hair), and although it wasn’t attractive, I always felt safe and confortable having a thick mop-head hair.
Now I’m 18 and I’ve been balding for a year and a half and not one day I haven’t thought about my hair. It’s getting worse and I know it’s not “that bad” (like my sister says) but I think I have dysphoria because it feels horrible, and I’m always conscious about hiding it, always. I don’t want to shave it because I have an ugly (thanks flat head syndrome) skull, but I’ll do it if it means I’ll stop thinking about it.
It depresses me to the point of suicidal thoughts, I’ve never felt this uncomfortable in my body before and I hate it. Literally considering wearing a wig, if I can pass it off, just anything, to make me stop thinking about it
If you are in Southern California, please visit me (no charge) and we can sit down and discuss your hair loss problem and what you can do about it. I believe that with proper planning, a man can keep his hair throughout his entire life, regardless of his hair loss genetics but that requires a Master Plan with a good doctor who cares about you. If you are not in the LA area, let me know where you are, and maybe I can recommend such a doctor for you.
Please consider taking to someone trained in assistance regarding your thoughts of self harm.
https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ tel:1-800-273-8255
There is no such things as a little hair transplant. A hair transplant requires local anesthesia which can be the beginning of a cascade of hair loss in a 25-year-old not on finasteride. See this link: https://baldingblog.com/need-master-plan-think-hair-transplants-photos/ as this could be you. Whatever hair you use now should be part of a Personalized Master Plan that will follow your hair loss as it occurs. Even the man in the link, with a Personalized Master Plan, could have hair for his life.
If your goal is to transplant only the crown and the small area in front of it, the number of grafts will vary with the thickness of your hair (Fine, Medium or Course). Fine hair might take as many as 3000 grafts, while Coarse hair might take as few as 1800 grafts. That is not addressing your frontal recession which is suggestive in this photo
This man(in his mid-twenties has recent hair loss in the past 8 months prior to commencing treatment). He must have been very sensitive to the results of good DHT blocking with finasteride. Men like him are young and have more recent hair loss than those who do not respond. A great early result that will just get better in time.
I suspect that this man may have had this surgery performed in a less than clean clinic with unskilled people who may not have been doctors and didn’t understand sterility as a concept. I don’t know the outcome but as a doctor in Europe sent on this photo, I suspect that this man will be treated properly now. This photo should be a warning to those in my readership who shop for bargain hair transplants in Turkey (there are good doctors in Turkey but they don’t charge $1/graft or less). This, regardless of the price this man paid for his bargain hair transplant, it will be a most expensive hair transplant to get him back to where he needs to be. His looks and his health are on the line.
The red you see is blood draining from green and yellow pus pockets. This man has many ‘boils’ or infected cysts possibly starting from a hair graft. Each one of these need to have a surgeon drain them. Once they are all drained and the bacteria cultured, the patient will be put on antibiotics and as new infected cysts appear, they will be drained again. Eventually good surgical draining and antibiotics will calm this down. He will have some scarring left and most of the hair grafts will probably die. Once he is recovered, a good surgeon will reassess his donor supply and hopefully he might have enough donor hair to redo the transplant. This process from infection to a new hair transplant could take up to a year.
The article reported “total lack of scalp hair – along with eczema, experienced significant hair regrowth while being treated with dupilumab, a drug marketed under the brand name Dupixent”.
Here is the article: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-10/mgh-edr100718.php