Note that in this photo, the neck hair in this man has already started to disappear. This is a genetic trait that is different from general Male Patterned Genetic Balding. For this reason, I never transplant the neck hair into the recipient area because this hair, in some men, is not permanent hair. Note the transition between the neck hair and the scalp hair at are about the occipital notch (base of the skull).
It is one of the very common problems that women have–hair loss during menopause. It is a really very emotional and disturbing problem for many menopausal women. During this time they will be experiencing hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, etc problems. Actually, the ovaries stop working and hormone-secreting also stops making estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones play a vital role in blocking the impact of the genes responsible for hair loss and protect the hair growth, making hair roots look strong while the hormones are being made. Once they are gone, the genetic influence gets strong if they have the genes for hair loss.
These seem to be based upon animal studies. There is little human evidence that sexual side effects are caused by minoxidil, but I always keep an open mind when someone sends me such links as below.
They use an instrument called a dermoscope (trichoscope)! It looks at the hair with 50 times magnification. This view shows the value of the instrument, especially when combined with the experience of the person using it. Below is a picture of a patient with alopecia areata showing blunted exclamation mark hairs (black arrows) which makes the diagnosis for the expert evident. The red arrows show miniaturized hairs.
My paternal grandfather went bald in his 40-50s, one of my uncles in their late 30s and the other one in his 40s. My dad on the other hand was a NW 7 by 32. A lot of people here say mpb comes from your maternal side but that doesnt always seem to be the case(my maternal grandfather went bald in his 60s). Im currently a NW2 maybe less idk, which isnt bad I wanted to know if there are any high chances i keep my hair until at least my 30s because i dont really mind being bald after than that but being bald so early sucks.
Your uncles and grandparents just tell you if the balding genes are in your family line. Then you have to determine who you might take after.
[May 2019 Study] Effectiveness and Safety of Low-Dose Oral Minoxidil in Male Androgenic Alopecia:
TL;DR – 2.5mg and 5mg dose of oral minoxidil found safe and effective in 41 male patients. 90% of patients had marked improvements.
Of 41 male patients (mean age, 33.3 years; range, 20–55 years) with androgenetic alopecia who received oral minoxidil monotherapy (2.5 or 5 mg daily) for a minimum of 6 months, 37 patients (90.2%) had clinical improvement, which was marked in 11 of them (26.8%). Only 4 patients (9.8%) demonstrated stabilization of their alopecia; however, none of these patients experienced worsening of the condition. Adverse effects included hypertrichosis (24.3%), lower limb edema (4.8%), and shedding (2.4%).
Results of this retrospective study indicated that oral minoxidil at 2.5 mg and 5 mg daily can be an effective therapy for male androgenetic alopecia, with a mild side-effect profile.
– InYoung Kim, MD, PhD
So I saw one of the best docs in the business a couple of years ago. I’m probably a NW2-ish but I have temple recession. 2 years ago my hair was in way better shape. Now, this past summer I basically lost my temple points and have some diffuse thinning up top. So much more apparent on one side of my head though, and as a result I can’t part my hair effectively on that side. I remember at the time of my consult, this doc kept saying how I was the perfect candidate because I already have good hair. So if I wanted to go aggressive, I could because he thought I had a low chance of losing more hair. He knew my family history (my dad had decent hair into his 30s but then he kept losing it and he’s now a NW7). Looking back on my consult, I’m really disappointed that the doctor was so confident about my hair. It’s not realistic. It felt like he just wanted more money. I ended up not getting the transplant.
Hair loss is ALWAYS progressive by its nature. Your doctor either didn’t know what he was talking about or was out to sell you his services at your expense (wanted to get into your wallet).
Recently I’ve started to notice my hairline thinning (I guess its about time at 30 years old) but not receding. Its by no means bad, and the top, back, sides of my head are still thick. Having done research on typical alternatives, it seems to take fin for just hairline thinning and no recession might be overkill. I could use minoxidil but applying it 2 times a day for the rest of my life is a pain. Is the solution for those of us with a thinning hairline, but not receding, and OK everywhere else (hopefully…!) a hair transplant?
If you are in or near Southern California, visit me. Topical finasteride might be a reasonable solution, provided we are sure that you are not balding elsewhere on your head. That is why I would perform a HAIR CHECK test ( ) first to make sure that there is no undetectable balding elsewhere.
Twice a week of 1mg will give you between 1/2 & 3/4 of the effect.