Over time, more changes can be expected when eventually the hairline will take on a V-shape mature male hairline, providing that you are not balding. As of now, it is just a maturing hairline which is still close to the highest crease of the furrowed brow indicating its juvenile position still is retained.
What was the plan you had with the surgeon? Did you and he discuss leaving the middle free of grafts? Did you have hair in the middle that is not showing here because of the shave? If you were uniformly bald, I would agree that this is not a good plan. You have a finite amount of donor hair so first I want to know what is your total donor supply estimate and how much of it was use for this surgery? That would allow me to determine what could be done in the future in another hair transplant session. Do you have a Personalized Master Plan with your doctor to address now and future issues of balding? This is critical, of course.
Suicide happens in association with balding young men. I have seen it a few times and it is tragic. This should never be taken lightly as anyone who threatens suicide are reaching out for help
17, I regressed from a NW 2 to NW 3 in just a few fucking months. My “peninsula” is just 1 inch wide at best, and I had to have a combover which is extremely uncomfortable for months now. My scalp itches so much, and it fucking radiates pain. It’s seriously taking a major toll on my mental health, I’m starting to hate everyone who has hair, which is like 99.999% of teens my age. I hate it so much, and the worst part it i can’t do anything about it. Minox and fin aren’t available yet, and even if they are they’re too expensive for me to afford consistently for months. feel like shit, i got finals on monday and this thing hindered me from studying for 6 months now. I can’t buzz it cause my head shape looks like shit and no one buzzes it at my age, especially since im in an asian country. I have been having suicidal thoughts the whole time, and my mind has been all over the place i can’t even write this structurally. It sounds stupid but this thing is seriously making me lose spirit in life. I really want to off myself
MY ANSWER: See a good doctor and establish a good relationship with that doctor. An expert physician in this field will work with you and follow balding if and when it occurs to help you keep your hair. I can tell you affirmatively, that I can give a solution to every young man who is balding, so if you are in Southern California, come see me, if not, tell me where you are and I can connect you to a good doctor.
I am a candidate for a hair transplant but i don’t want to use finasterade or minoxidil. A surgeon told me that the transplanted hair would create a shock loss to my existing hair and speed up hair loss. Is this true? What happens in shock loss?
When you have a hair transplant, the native hair that is going through some degree of miniaturization could speed up the miniaturization process even to the point where the hair will fall out. Finasteride can protect against this process, not minoxidil. I personally believe that this is secondary to the local anesthetic and the stress of the surgery on your body, regardless of if you feel any stress.. Carefully and judicious use of your donor hair is a critical that your surgeon must fully not only understand, but implement it in how he approaches you with a Personalized Master Plan going forward with a hair transplant. You should know what is your worst case scenario, and plan for it so that there will be no surprises.
I can’t believe it is so hard to speak to a trustworthy, medical professional.
On 3 separate occasions now I have been to a consultation and every time it has been a classic salesman that tries to sound scientific. This might work, but for the fact that to people like us, this is important and so we have done tons of research and are easy able to spot where the man is simply making things/words up.
I would like to present my symptoms and be told the best course of action by a professional, instead, they try to work out how much I have to spend and then just sell anything and everything they have to sell.
I employ no salesmen or saleswomen and never have. I believe that such people have an agenda to SELL, and my agenda is to give care when it is APPROPRIATE. I don’t need a go-between to insulate my patients from my opinions or my fees. I am not selling a used car to my patients, but a high class service with the underlying understanding that he/she might not need it. A sales person has not such basis in his interaction with the patient and he/she is not in a position to draw any opinion as to the eligibility of any person asking for a hair restoration procedure. I remember a saleslady who worked for a clinic (not mine) and she had the highest conversion rate for surgeries. The way she did it, was to send a photo of herself to the prospect and offer him a ‘special service’ the night before the surgery. You don’t have to be creative in detecting prostitution behind the sale of a hair transplant.
What concerns me is the potential for change and any lack of planning for an outcome like this: https://baldingblog.com/need-master-plan-think-hair-transplants-photos/
I see such patients at all ages who developed balding that they didn’t expect. I always keep my eye on the donor supply, knowing that one should never use it up before the balding pattern completes, which may take many years. Young men in the early 20s don’t worry about getting older (like 30-50), but I see many 50 year old men who had hair transplants years before, and used up their donor supply yet continued to bald. Fortunately with tests like the HAIRCHECK test, I can often predict the long-term balding pattern when a man reaches 25 (not always) but I can always predict what their donor supply can provide for them for their lifetime. There are many things today that we couldn’t do years ago like Scalp Micropigmentation which can substitute for hair in certain circumstances (see: https://newhair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Combining_Follicular_Unit_Extraction_and_Scalp.98621.pdf). For these reasons, I focus on a Strategic Personalized Master Plan for each of my patients because even if they don’t worry about progressive balding, I am planning for it on their behalf.
I have always felt that this was something that made money for the doctor but gave the patient no benefit. This article seems to prove it.
Article can be found here: JEADV-2019-2618.R3_Proof_hi.pdf
This is the result of 3200 grafts from his first surgery, the second on his crown of 2200 more grafts about 2 months ago is now yet to grown out. He was thrilled this morning when he saw that he had to do something about all of that hair. So he combed it back and resent me the last picture from top down (to preserve his confidentiality) and another view with his hair combed back. Considering where he started from, that wasn’t a bad problem to have. He wrote: “I am unbelievably happy. Even after a long day, I get to look in the mirror and rejoice at the hair I haven’t had since I was 20. I also wanted to tell you that it affects my whole lifestyle in positive ways I didn’t fully anticipate. I used to have to keep my hair at an exact short length and then cover with a ton of concealer, and I lived in constant fear of wind, rain, etc. Going to the gym was a challenge because of the sweat. I don’t have to have my hair cut every three weeks, and I can engage in various sports and activities without that fear. I guess I was just so used to it that I didn’t fully anticipate how this would feel, in addition to how much better it looks.“
So I’m not sure if I should try to prevent the inevitable. At 23 and with bald ancestors, I’m not sure any treatment will do more than just delay the hair loss. Is it worth attempting to save my hairline or will it all be in vain? Also how much will it cost me to more or less?
Yes, if you find a good doctor, build a Personalized Master Plan with that doctor for your short and long term future. I have done this with many men and I even helped them keep a hairy look even if they developed the most advanced balding pattern.
let’s assume that the burn is in the front and top of the head. A balloon is then placed in the crown to expanded in the scalp over a couple of months. Each week, about two times, fluid is injected into a ‘port’ on the balloon. With each injection, the balloon expands until it is stretched enough with enough redundancy to cover the burned areas. Then the burned scar is removed and the new scalp is advanced forward. I have been involved in a number of these challenging cases and the results are very rewarding. I have seen fully half of the scalp burned and treated successfully this way, sometimes with added hair transplants for fine tuning the process.
Surprisingly my hair transplanted grafts started to immediately grow after about two weeks. I still had crust on my head from the transplant and the hair started to peek through. I was doing my research intensively before that and haven’t found one with almost instant results as i did. I was told from my doctor that it could take up to a year to see the full effect. It definitely met my expectations but the other non transplanted hair isn’t immune to DHT so this could lead to dissatisfaction again in a couple of years.
Most hair appears to grow immediately, but falls out in 2-4 weeks. About 1 in 20 people get instant growth that continues from the day the transplant was done. Most are somewhere between the two examples I discussed above. As hair loss is a progressive process, you should consider another FUE and if you are satisfied with your surgeon, go back and see that surgeon for an opinion about another FUE.
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