Single Hair Transplant Session (with Photos)
This patient was amazed by the results he saw from his single session hair transplant (2750 grafts). It’s been 3 and a half years since his procedure took place and in that time he’d forgotten what he started with. When he and his family member came in for a visit this week and saw his before pictures, neither of them believed that it was him. He’s allowed me to post these here so you can see why he was so pleased when comparing the before and after photos.
I used a hair band to keep his hair back when taking the after photos, since it has a tendency to fall forward on its own. His hair is fine so another session to thicken it up is indicated and is something we wants. The reason I only took out 2750 grafts, was because that was the maximum ‘safe’ amount to remove. Any larger amount would have produced wound problems. His scalp is still slightly tight, so he will exercise his scalp for 3 months and then he should be loose enough to get out another 2500+ grafts. Click the photos to enlarge.
After hair transplant of 2750 grafts


come on now, the before pics should be with the hair pulled back as well
I can’t turn back time and make that happen, but it should be fairly obvious that he doesn’t have much hair in the before photos.
Dr. Rassman,
I had 1600 grafts transplanted to my hairline, filling in about 1/2″ below its current level. It has been exactly one week and I am a bit worried about the left side. The center and right side look like they have solid coverage, but the left temple area looks sparse, with empty spaces. Is it possible that the grafts aren’t visible, or that they may have fallen out?
Perhaps its the lighting, but dont this pasient have some pitting? The skin where the grafts are seems bit chopped, but perhaps its because of bad healing skin?