What Class Is My Boyfriend’s Hair Loss? (with Photos)
Hello Doctor,
My boyfriend is rather paranoid about his hairloss, personally, I don’t see a problem… but I pointed him out to your website as I feel it’s a great source of information! My boyfriend has agreed to post some pictures so you can help determine his Norwood class, and he would also like to know if propecia and/or rogaine would be suitable to help him with his receding hairline! Thanks for your help! We look forward to hearing from you!
This is a Norwood class 3 pattern. I can not recommend how to treat him without seeing him. Generally neither Rogaine nor Propecia will reverse this pattern, but Propecia may prevent its progression to another more advanced pattern. Your boyfriend needs a good doctor.
I’ve posted the photos below. Click to enlarge.

This is to the Original Poster: I am 33 and almost exactly that pattern. The comforting news I can give to you is that I’ve had a very similar (only slight recession over the years) hairline for the last ten years or so. About 20 months ago I started on finasteride, and it’s basically (as far as I can tell) held everything exactly in place. I keep it kinda short and choppy and brushed forward, and it doesn’t look receded much. Good luck to your guy!
Jon – I have pictures, but none exposing my hairline severely. I haven’t been obsessing over it in that way. Honestly, if you just looked at my regular photos with my normally-styled hair, you probably wouldn’t notice any difference between now and 20s, and you probably wouldn’t notice any obvious balding. It’s the bright lights and wet hair in the bathroom that tells the truth, and that’s what prompted me to start F treatment. So, yes, it seems to be a very slow/minimal progression, and F has made it even moreso. Good luck.
I just like to see people’s pictures of either their hairline, forelock, crown, mid scalp too see how they have improved with using finasteride. I read so many times on these forums that people claim to have improved drastically using this drug but nobody posts pictures so sometimes I wonder. The only picture I have seen is what was posted on this website cple years back that showed an individual that had completely regrown his hair using finasteride, but there was a lot of debate on that also.
I’m not trying to accuse anybody of lying or saying anything false, I’m more of a visual person, for me to believe something I have to see it.
I completely agree with you, its when the hair is wet and under bright light we see the hardcore balding, but I have noticed that even with people who are not balding, when they are under harsh light or when hair is wet, there is a more see thru appearance.
It is not NW2? ^o)