What Will Take the Place of Hair Transplants?
What and when do you think will take the place of traditional hair transplantation?
Thank you for any comment or answer.
The theory, in answer to your question, may be some form of cloning, cell manipulation, genetic transfer or magic drug. Possibly we will identify some substance, stem cell, genetic alteration or the like that will be more acceptable than traditional hair transplants for the balding man.
When I started in the field of heart surgery (1966) we were just learning to replace heart valves in diseased adults and fix the broken hearts of children born with heart defects. It was a glamerous thing to fix the broken heart and for doing it, some doctors thought it would make them rich, so either for the glory or the money, many, many surgeons became heart surgeons and eventually most of the defective heart valves and hearts got fixed, leaving surgeons with nothing to do (possible bankruptcy or even to become a family doctor, whichever was better). Then we learned that we could re-vascularize the heart with veins taken from the leg and save lives, and the new bonanza happened again. The unemployed heart surgeons were feasting one more time until they caught up on the backlog of blocked heart blood vessels to repair. Then, a shift appeared (away from the heart surgeon) with the new ‘invasive’ cardiologist who became part of a new feast and the era of cardiac catheterization was born, shifting the work from the surgeons to the new bread of surgical ‘like’ cardiologist. Many heart surgeons found themselves unemployed again. One day, we will find an easier way around the cardiologist’s catheter and possibly this new break of cardiologist will learn to adapt or fall into the unemployment lines, just like the heart surgeons of yester-year.
When the day comes that hair transplants will be replaced with a needle injection into the scalp, doctors like me may be unemployed. One might think that any doctor can inject magic potions into the bald scalp of men for profit. As with Botox, they will. Personally, I do not believe that I will be unemployed for years yet as I do not believe that hair transplantation is going to go away anytime soon. If you are balding, ask yourself the following question: Am I willing to wait for years, possibly decades, for the best solution to hair loss and remain bald during my youth and most productive years just to avoid a simple surgery?
I wonder why you are refusing to answer John’s question. You keep deleting it :)
I do not see his questions anymore. After he posted the same exact question a dozen times, the spam filter kicked in and just deletes it now. I can tell by his posts that he relies entirely too much on what the press releases announce, and less on common sense and understanding of the process he is waving the flag about.
Update: By the way Murray, I can see that based on the IP address, you and the John person you are backing up are the same person. Enough games. If you want to spam, please do it elsewhere. I spend a lot of time trying to help many, many people via this website and all you are doing is wasting my time. Please do some real research first and get back to me in a couple of years with better evidence to support your claims.