No, you should not try to remove the scabs at one week or else you will risk pulling out the grafts. I wrote an article on this and it takes 12 days for the grafts to settle. The key is to wash it properly so that the crusts don’t form in the first place.
If a hair follicle from a hair transplant dies from a failure of surgical techniques, it will never grow.
The younger you are the better the chance you will have winning that war for at least a while. I have seen a man who is 62, and he stopped taking finasteride 5 months ago and lost a lot of hair. He went back on it but it did not, as of yet, bring back the hair.
You are probably just slowing down the hair loss. Not everyone reverses their hair loss on the drug Finasteride.
You have terrible crusting after the hair transplant. These crusts should have been removed the day of and the day after the surgery. Now, the problem is how to get the crusts off without losing grafts. The answer is to place shampoo on your head, leave it on for 15 minutes until it gets waterlogged, then gently massage with your fingertips to start rubbing them off. It may take many days and many washes for these crusts to come off.
I am the doctor who define DUPA (Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia) in men. It is real and tragic when it happens. About half of the men respond to the drug finasteride, while others don’t respond to any medication and hair transplants are always contraindicated. Here is the article I wrote defining it:
The diagnosis is made using a microscope to examine the hairs in the donor area of the back of the head. Miniaturization will significantly exceed 20%.
I have a scar on the upper side of the lip and I need to get a hair implant/transplant. I’m nearly 18 years old and I have a beard/mustache and the scar doesn’t help at all. Any help or advice will be appreciated
A hair transplant into the scar will completely hide the scar. This is an excellent solution. If the scar is small and you don’t have to grow a mustache or can’t because you don’t have enough mustache hair, then a highly specialized cosmetic tattoo called SMP can hide it. You can actually do have both SMP and a mustache transplant for the absolute best result, see
I am presently on my first visit to Israel and will share some of my experiences with my readership. Today I was very excited and emotional after visiting the home of a Jaffa family. Their names are Ehub and Ora Balha. Prior to the 1947 war of Israel independence, Ehub’s Family had a restaurant with some land and lived happily in Jaffa. Then the war came, and 97% of the Arab population fled, most leaving the land to other countries. Only his grandfather stayed. After three years, his father, age 13, returned to Jaffa with his grandmother (his father’s mother). Some of the family died as a result of the war and their exodus from Jaffa. She eventually married and had 8 children, 6 boys of which Ehub was in the middle. He was brought up to hate the Jews as were all of the Arabs in Jaffa and elsewhere. When he finally graduated from high school, he went to work in his father’s restaurant serving tourists, many Jews, and smiling but hiding his hate of Jews behind the smiles.
One Thursday, an angry, large framed, loud Jewish man came into the family restaurant and wanted to express his hatred for the Arabs. After creating a bit of a row, he left. Ehub’s hatred was more confirmed then ever. Two weeks later, the man returned, this time carrying some documents to prove that the Arabs were troublemakers, warmongers and hateful people. He stayed about an hour, then left. This process repeated over and over again every two weeks and soon Ehub started to accumulate written material to counter the Jew’s arguments. The arguments were heated and went on for cycles over many, many months. It seemed that Ehub started to look forward to these encounters, because it helped him express who he was and understand his faith in Islam better. As another Thursday’s came closer, Ehub prepared more and more material, enough to impress and win the argument with the Jew.
One Thursday, after the usual, somewhat less heated argument happened, the Jew said to Ehub, “Let’s argue in private. Come to my home in Telaviv” and gave him his address. Torn between his logic not to go and his curiosity to go, he decided at the last moment to actually visit the Jew on the appointed Thursday. When he got there and the door slowly opened, that angry Jew was not angry anymore, but sad. He told Ehub that his wife walked out on him two days before and he was now all alone, lonely and very sad. The Jew cried and reached out for compassion which was instantly given by Ehub. They spent three hours talking about love, women and friendships.
Two weeks later, the Jew came to the restaurant and brought two Jewish friends to continue a dialogue of disagreement. Two weeks later, the Jew returned again with 4 more Jewish friends and Ehub matched those with 4 Arab friends. Four went to 8, then to 16 and soon the numbers were in the hundreds. The restaurant no longer could hold the visitors so Ehub looked for other venues. Eventually, 3000 people came to regular meetings that became a foundation of dialogue and understanding. Ehub traveled overseas with his story, met the DaliLama on one trip and learned much in a 1 hour 15 minute meeting with him. He learned more about tolerance to others and the beliefs of other peoples.
His family did not like what he was doing and disassociated with him for 5 years. Eventually, he persuaded his father to meet him at the restaurant and there happened to be he a Jew there. Some dialogue occurred. Every week, when he met with his father to make peace, there were two Jews present (planted by Ehub), then 4, then 8 and then eventually his father opened up to his social causes with more tolerance. Eventually, his father and 4 of his 5 other brothers bonded again, and although though not happy with Ehub’s activities, they still loved him.
When Ehub was 35, his father said to him, you are the only 35 year old not married and you need a wife. So Ehub took the advice and started to look for a wife. On his first and only trip to Sinai, where he hoped he might find a wife, he didn’t like the partying nor the crowds, so he found a place 2 miles away at another beach and stayed there for 3 days. On the third day, there was a campfire and a beautiful woman who was dancing. He was dumb struck and senseless. Never before was he so overwhelmed by a woman, yet he said nothing to her, just sat and watched, totally love stuck. To his right were two Muslim women but to his left was an empty seat where the beautiful woman deposited herself. Breaking the ice, she asked him what the Muslims women were saying. He said that they were talking about her, how beautiful she was, what a great dancer she was (none of it true, of course). They talked briefly for about 20 minutes. It was getting late so he asked her where she would be in the morning and she responded that she was seeing a fortune teller at 10am. Stupidly, he said to her it was a coincidence because he too was seeing that fortune teller at 10am (lying through his teeth). They separated and he walked two miles to his hotel room, singing about love, kissing a lone Arab on the road and even kissing a standing camel. He never felt like this before. When he went to bed, he couldn’t fall asleep until about 5am thinking about her. When he woke 12 hours later, he realized he missed the 10am fortune teller and ran the two miles back to where he had last seen her. He searched for her for some time. Eventually, he found her again dancing by a fire. He sat and watched. When she stopped dancing, she sat next to him and the two said nothing for almost 20 minutes of silence. Then she broke the ice and said: “If you want me, you must marry me.” In Israel, an Arab and a Jew (Ora was Jewish) cannot be married, so they went to watch the dawn come, made the bonds together and married themselves. (In Islam, a Muslim man can marry a Jewish female as standard set by Mohammad). He was happy beyond belief and so was she. Neither told their parents.
Five months later, after having her visit the restaurant with other Jews frequently so that her father got to know who she was, he took the plunge. “Father, I have some wonderful news for you, with one little problem”. His father knew he must have met a woman but knowing that there was a problem asked: “Is it a divorced women?” No, Ehub responded. Then he asked: “Does she have some children?” “No,” Ehub responded. Finally, Ehub told his father who was his bride and the father and all of the brothers threw chairs at him and kicked him out of the restaurant. When he returned to his bride, he said “I have good news.” She waited and he followed: “I wasn’t killed”. Some years later when he had his first child, a son, his father started to warm up to her and as she has 5 more children, she seemed to be accepted because they knew who she was and saw the goodness in her heart.
The next problem that they had to tackle, was their children. How to educate them. So he asked his father for some land to build a kindergarten and he reluctantly agreed. They hired an Arab and a Jewish teacher and eventually built up that kindergarten plus 9 others in Jaffa and others elsewhere in Israel. He continues his organized meetings as a full-time activity and she formed a foundation for building schools for kindergarteners. He believes that the movement to tolerance will take time and it must be done through the younger generations. I have little doubt of Ehab and Ora’s conviction to a cause greater than themselves. If only those who hate so much, opened their hearts to see that we are all people capable of great love, then the world would be a better place.
According to a New Scientist, Article 21, April 29, 2018, Northwestern University in Chicago reported that “People who prefer to stay up late seem to have a greater risk of dying early. A six year study of 500,000 people in the UK has found that those who are night owls were 10% more likely to die in that period.”
In this group of night owls, they also “found higher rates of diabetes, mental health problems and neurological conditions. They were also more likely to experience psychological stress, use drugs or alcohol, and not get enough exercise or sleep.”
Some do and some don’t. The younger you are, the greater the chances that you will have good results, especially if your hair loss is early.
Here is a picture of me 5 years ago. I won’t show it now but it is half that volume. What can I do?
Get a HAIRCHECK test by a doctor who has the instrument and can determine exactly how much hair you lost. If you start treating it and repeat the test yearly, you will know how effective the treatment is or how fast the hair loss is occurring despite the treatment.
I can so relate to the brow loss hair post. I’m so fearful that I made a bad decision about having a forehead lift because I, too, am losing lots of hair from the top and sides of my head. I am 7 weeks out and panic stricken because, around the incision, I am starting to look bald. It looks like I have cradle cap which is starting to come off and surface is raw underneath. Im using Silva dine on it. My surgeon keeps saying it’s all fine but I look horrible. The suture line has not healed yet. I do have a condition called Frontal Fibrotic Alopecia. Oddly enough, the hair transplants in the area are growing! HELP!
Women who lose hair from shock loss often have that hair return after a period of 4-6 months when the anagen phase kicks in. Frontal Fibrotic Alopecia generally causes hair loss in the frontal area and sooner or later it will most likely cause you to lose the transplants in the frontal area.
I’ve been reading this website for a while now, trying to gauge how long this would take. I had one Kenalog injection on 12/21/16. In late April, I noticed my hair was falling out everywhere. I had many side effects including 90+ day menstrual cycle, GI problems, skin thinning, male hair growth, swelling all over despite weight loss, and many more. Obviously, no doctors believed this could be the product of one injection, but I know it was.
Well, it’s January 19, 2018 and my hair has finally slowed way down. I’ve lost about 60% of my previous extremely thick and beautiful hair. The texture is slowly returning back to normal. I do have some new growth, but I suspect it’ll take a long time to come back in any meaningful way. To those who are going through the shedding right now and reading this, IT WILL STOP. It just takes a long, long time.
Thanks. It’s good for people to hear stories like yours.
As a physician with over 30 years in the drug development and regulatory industry, I think the doctors and patients advising you may not truly understand the drug development process (and most really don’t, unfortunately). The FDAs Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) within the Center for Drug Evaluation in Research requires generic drugs to go through the same rigorous manufacturing process as non-generic drugs (and sometimes only bioequivalence studies showing similiar pharmacokinetic effects are allowed). Unfortunately, they have no control over drugs purchased online from foreign countries or bought in foreign countries (under the regulatory authority of those regions) – and the language of your blog writer above makes me wonder if this is the case (“Japanese generic”). Of course, a foreign company can also seek regulatory approval in the US, but I suspect this is not the case here.
What this writer is saying is important. You must know the source of your drugs if you do not buy them from a known, approved pharmacy.
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