100 hair/day shed is normal for many people. Any shed from Finasteride and Minoxidil will stop over the first few months, so stick to your routine.
I wrote the original article on Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) and yes, a hair transplant should never be done if you have this condition. However, too many young men assume that they have DUPA, and that is wrong. Get the diagnosis confirmed by an expert like me with microscopic examination of the donor area and a metric on the degree of miniaturization present in the donor area. The picture below cannot, without such a miniaturization analysis, arrive at a DUPA diagnosis.
My boyfriend is 25 years old and has already started to go bald, he won’t leave the house without a hat. I can tell that it is really effecting his self-esteem. What can he do?
Your boyfriend has what appears to be early hair loss, an indication of male pattern hair loss. He should see a doctor who specializes in hair. He should meet with a doctor experienced in this field, get a HAIRCHECK test (invested capital for me ) to find out just how much hair loss he had and where it is, both what he can see and what he don’t see. Then with proper treatment, maybe he can stop the loss, possibly reverse it before he becomes bald
Megadosing minoxidil runs cardiac and blood pressure risks, so be careful.
I live in New York City and am looking into scheduling my second session of FUT this fall. I’m transsexual and need to finish rounding out my m-shaped hairline after having done my first session last year out of the country because it was done within a week of another surgery.
This time I’m looking to stay close to home and have been speaking to a surgeon recommended by a friend, Michael Beehner, located far upstate in Saratoga. I like him because he’s communicated in depth with me over email and has a decent amount of before and after photos of trans women. I don’t think all surgeons/technicians are good at creating natural looking hairlines and I also don’t think my hairline was drawn properly the first time so I want it reevaluated.
What makes me hesitant in scheduling is the four hour bus ride for someone who charges $5/graft. I’m wondering if anyone in the NYC area can give me a comparison to other doctors here. Bernstein’s office told me $7. Maxim seems the cheapest, although I’m not sure by how much: their website says $2.95, but I saw a blog post from last year where a woman was quoted $4. Basically, if I feel like I’m getting a deal for a top notch surgeon and team then I’d feel a lot better about making the trip.
Never buy based upon price! Always check out the quality of the doctor. If you get a doctor who discounts his prices because he isn’t good enough to compete on quality, then you could buy less quality with a lesser price. I know both Bernstein and Beehner and they are both first class doctors.
Not happening. Cloning has a history, and when used in mice they died back in the early 1990s. These hairs were cloned in a petri dish and placed into hairless mice. The hairs grew in all directions, many ingrown, causing infections that killed the mice.
A graft should represent a Follicular Unit which contains between 1-4 hairs each. When an FUE is done, the surgeon usually cherry picks the larger grafts to give you more hair per graft, so that 3000 grafts should give you about 6000 or more hairs. A good surgeon actually counts these hairs and grafts, and can and should make these counts available to you after the surgery. IF the surgeon doesn’t offer this, then maybe the surgeon is hiding something from you.
First of all I am very thankful for the information you provide on this subreddit, it is invaluable to me and a lot of other people. About two months ago I got prescribed a generic propecia 1 mg from my dermatologist here in Sweden. As a student at university I can cover the cost but Im interested in changing to Proscar 5 mg and then splitting them. After a lot of reading I´ve understood that there is no difference between the two except that Proscar is a lot cheaper.
My concern is that I read about people claiming that swapping between difference finasterides ruined their hair. Personally I have difficulties seeing it making a difference, but I would of course never forgive myself if my chase after saving a couple of dollars ended up making my hair even worse. So my question to you is, do you have any personal experience from your patients changing medicine? If yes, did it harm their hair in any way or did it just continue as usual?
Thank you for taking your time,
No problem. Switch it without worry!
I have thinning and recession at the temples and slight thinning at the crown (22 male). This was confirmed under a digital scope. Is it possibly that this process will naturally stop and not progress much further? My father’s hair thinned in his 20s and receded at the temples but seemed to have halted. Same goes for his father.
When miniaturization is the result of your genetic hair loss, it never reverses on its own.
I’ve kept seeing your comments in r/tressless and, while I’m based in Europe and can’t actually have an appointment with you, I was hoping to just get an opinion from a professional, as I’m currently in a situation where it’s very difficult. I just moved to another European country for a year of studies. Therefore my health care is all over the place and I’m unsure of where to go. Here’s an album with photos from three different timeframes: https://imgur.com/a/9Ik1yDg
A professional hairdresser recently prepared a new regimen for me to better take care of my scalp, and I’ve been following it since, but it’s only been a bit over a month. I’m transmasculine so taking Testosterone. I’m 24 and have been taking it for five years. To me it looks like I have bad breakage, but I’m unsure if that’s what’s making it look thin around the temples or not. My crown area is fine. I’ve stopped bleaching my hair for the time being to figure this out, and the last time I did it (early June) I went to a professional.
Does this look like regular hair loss? Will fin help me, or maybe lowering the D dosage? Is there anything quick I can do to help while my health care still gets sorted out? I keep reading about biotin and zinc and am considering getting supplements.
I apologize if this isn’t something you do via reddit, but I figured I didn’t have much to lose. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you’re having a good week.
As a transmasculine person, taking testosterone will invoke any genes that you may have for balding, so hair loss is not uncommon. Your hair loss could mean you are thinning, and could also mean some recession (which is the case I believe with you). Finasteride might help block some or all of the testosterone effects on your hair and is certainly worth a try.
An FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) is a surgical procedure and as such it should always be looked at it that way. Fortunately, when I initially described and published this technique in 2002, I called it a ‘minimally invasive hair transplant’ because it did not take on the risks of the then standard Strip Surgery (FUT) that was used until that time as the Standard of Care for Hair Transplants. Both techniques focused upon removing the basic elements of the hair organ system, the follicular unit that contains from 1-4 hairs each.
If it was taken by a strip procedure, then microscopic dissection would identify the individual follicular groups (grafts) of 1-4 hairs from the strip under stereo-microscopic. The fibrous attachments shown in the diagram are cut freeing up the graft from the surrounding tissue.
As this FUT surgery required removing a strip of skin, stitches had to be put into the wound to hold it together. Healing for this technique took up to 3 weeks for full strength in the surgical donor wound and some people find the wound painful (about 20-30% of patient need pain medications to offset pain).
For the FUE, each follicular unit containing 1-4 hairs were cored out with a very small punch and then plucked out of the donor area leaving very small holes that heal within 5 days.
As there was no large wound in the FUE, only small open wounds. Since the FUE wounds close within a few days, there is rarely pain in the donor area, certainly no pulling pain as with the strip surgery. When the surgeon is taking out the graft, if he is not skilled in the technique, he may leave behind the graft buried in the donor area. This can cause infections, abscesses and considerable pain.
As small punches are used with FUE, sometime tiny nerve endings in the skin are cut. If the surgeon is skilled, it is highly unlikely that the surgeon will cut a major nerve in the scalp (because it is deeper than the hair grafts) but it does happen when less skilled surgeons push the punch too deeply into the donor area. When this happens, pain can be prolonged and numbness of the scalp can occur that can last years.
As with any surgical procedure, infection is a risk, but in the thousands of FUE patients we have done, we have never seen an infection nor a buried graft, yet infections and buried grafts have been reported by patients and doctors from around the world. Infections of the FUE wounds most often reflect a less that pristine clean environment and a lack of respect for the use of sterile and disposable equipment, a sterile environment, the use of sterile water, the use of gloves and the use of masks to prevent ‘spitting’ into the wounds when the surgeon or the staff are speaking during the surgery (very common and possibly the most common cause of infections).
When the FUE is not planned out carefully, there is risks of scarring that can exceed the scarring seen in the strip surgery. If too many FUE grafts are taken, then the donor area starts to become balder and balder. Many young men want FUE because they want short hair cuts, but it you look at the photos below, do you honestly believe that these men can cut their hair short? So the risks of FUE become more evident the more FUE grafts that are moved around. For this reason, make sure that you understand what happens as the FUE grafts exceed 3000 and go to 4000 or 5000 or 6000 grafts. What happens is progressive evident hair loss in the donor area in the back of the head and these photos show it clearly!
Additional risks include : (1) Necrosis of the donor area (shown in photo) which means that the surgeon cut off the blood supply to the area that was harvested, (2) over-harvested donor areas which means that there is not enough hair to cover the FUE scars, even in the hair is grown-out longer as shown in the last picture. A good, well-experienced surgeon knows where the limits of FUE are and when over-harvesting becomes a real risk, and (3) the risk of failure of the grafts to grow. FUE is unique in that the grafts are not protected from the environment when they are removed so great care is required to protect the grafts from drying. Damage from handling during the actual excision part of the surgery as the grafts are taken out can kill-off grafts. If the grafts are left exposed to the air for about 20 seconds, they may die, yet they can be put back into the recipient area while the doctor has no idea that the grafts are already dead. These dead grafts will not grow. (4) poor use of instrumentation may cause the grafts to be stripped of the fat that surrounds the grafts, damaging the growth centers of each hair causing a failure of those hairs to grow. (5) kinking of the grafts also negatively impacts graft growth, (6) Last but not least reflects the time the grafts are out of the body, as it must be under 8 hours, preferably much less. The longer the grafts are out of the scalp, the higher the risk of long-term damage so the speed and efficiency of the surgical team is critically important and you will want find a surgeon and team with a great deal of experience.
The FUE surgery requires a strict quality control process to guarantee the survival of the grafts. This is not the place for amateurs. Beware of unlicensed technicians now offering FUE under specific doctor’s offices where the doctor doesn’t understand the process or have any training in hair transplantation. Free-lancing groups of hair transplant technicians make deals with doctors to supply them with patients in return for money. Imagine a family doctor approached by such a team of marketing technicians and offering him $2000 for just the use of one examining room and patient referrals. That is $2000/day that he/she would have never seen without his/her participation in this scam. This is an illegal process in most states, even California came out with a firm statement about the process. We have seen one patient who died at the hands of an ignorant doctor using a team of technicians incapable or recognizing that the patient was dying on the operating room table. This man was under 40 and had two children, very sad.
Message: Get a doctor with an experienced team when considering any type of hair transplant. Check out (1) the doctor’s reviews on Yelp, Realself, the internet, (2) ask to meet his/her patients one-on-one so you can ask about the experience and see the quality of the hair transplant yourself and ask yourself the most important question: Would I be happy with what the patient is showing me?
Just out of curiosity, has some experiment been done to move a few miniaturizing grafts over from the top of the head, to the safe zone? To prove that the hair is the issue, not the scalp. I know that hairs from the safe zone can survive on the balding area, so technically the scalp should not be the issue. But who knows, maybe those miniaturizing hairs will survive just fine in the safe zone.
Imagine moving miniaturizing hairs down to the side and moving hair in the safe zone up. Don’t think it would be too difficult test.Just out of curiosity, has some experiment been done to move a few miniaturizing grafts over from the top of the head, to the safe zone? To prove that the hair is the issue, not the scalp. I know that hairs from the safe zone can survive on the balding area, so technically the scalp should not be the issue. But who knows, maybe those miniaturizing hairs will survive just fine in the safe zone.
Imagine moving miniaturizing hairs down to the side and moving hair in the safe zone up. Don’t think it would be too difficult test.
I don’t think that you understand that it is the hair follicles that carry the genetics, not the area where they are placed. I often tell my patients that if you put a donor hair on the end of your nose, it would grow to pony tail length. So using your example, take a miniaturized hair and place it either on the end of the nose or in the donor area, it will still die out according to its genetic clock.
A full work-up with blood tests and an extensive examination is needed ( https://baldingblog.com/common-blood-tests-for-female-hair-loss/ ). Do you have a family history of hair loss on the female side of your family? If you do, then it is possible that this is purely genetic, and if the doctor can’t identify a cause, then we offer scalp micropigmentation for women. See here: https://scalpmicropigmentation.com/smp-for-women/
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